#38747B Information

#38747B color RGB value is (56 , 116 , 123) , HEX triplet: 38, 74 and 7b. RGB value is (56 , 116 , 123). Sum of RGB (Red+Green+Blue) = 56+116+123=295 (Red value is 56 (21.96% from 255 or 26.05% from 215); Green value is 116 (45.49% from 255 or 53.95% from 215); Blue value is 123 (48.24% from 255 or 57.21% from 215); Max value from RGB is 123 - color contains mainly: Blue . Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #38747B hue: 0.52 , saturation: 0.37 and the lightness value of 38747b is 0.35.

(56 , 116 , 123)
  • R (56)
  • G (116)
  • B (123)
  • C (26.27)
  • M (2.75)
  • Y (0)
  • K (51.76)

Applying the #38747b

You are awesome !

If you don't really have a dream, you can't really push yourself you don't really know what the target is.

Color spaces of #38747b

Type Values
RGB 56 116 123
HSL 0.52 0.37 0.35
HSV 186 54 48
CMYK 26.27 2.75 0 51.76
XYZ 11.4514 14.7616 20.9846
Hunter Lab 38.4208 -14.0338 -5.477
CIE-Lab 45.3059 -17.2989 -9.8254

Base Numbers

Decimal 56 116 123
Binary 111000 1110100 1111011
Octal 70 164 173
Hex 38 74 7B

Monochromatic Colors

Triadic Colors

Analogous Colors

Complementary Colors

Related Colors

#38747b Preview on Black Background

You are Awesome !!

Gradient Power

  • Monochromatic Gradient

  • Triadic Gradient

  • Analogous Gradient

  • Related Color Gradient

#38747B Color CSS Codes

You are Awesome !!

Text Color Example

<p style="color:#38747b">Text here</p>
You are Awesome !!

Background Color Example

<p style="background:#38747b">Text here</p>
You are Awesome !!

Border Color Example

<p style="border:2px solid #38747b">You are Awesome</p>
You are Awesome !!

Box & Text Shadow Color Example

<p style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #38747b;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #38747b">You are Awesome</p>