#FAA096 Information

#FAA096 color RGB value is (250 , 160 , 150) , HEX triplet: fa, a0 and 96. RGB value is (250 , 160 , 150). Sum of RGB (Red+Green+Blue) = 250+160+150=560 (Red value is 250 (98.04% from 255 or 116.28% from 215); Green value is 160 (62.75% from 255 or 74.42% from 215); Blue value is 150 (58.82% from 255 or 69.77% from 215); Max value from RGB is 250 - color contains mainly: Red . Cylindrical-coordinate representations (also known as HSL) of color #FAA096 hue: 0.02 , saturation: 0.91 and the lightness value of faa096 is 0.78.

(250 , 160 , 150)
  • R (250)
  • G (160)
  • B (150)
  • C (0)
  • M (35.29)
  • Y (39.22)
  • K (1.96)

Applying the #faa096

You are awesome !

If you don't really have a dream, you can't really push yourself you don't really know what the target is.

Color spaces of #faa096

Type Values
RGB 250 160 150
HSL 0.02 0.91 0.78
HSV 6 40 98
CMYK 0 35.29 39.22 1.96
XYZ 57.5002 47.6676 35.0243
Hunter Lab 69.0417 27.8377 18.2618
CIE-Lab 74.6148 32.2955 19.1968

Base Numbers

Decimal 250 160 150
Binary 11111010 10100000 10010110
Octal 372 240 226
Hex FA A0 96

Monochromatic Colors

Triadic Colors

Analogous Colors

Complementary Colors

Related Colors

#faa096 Preview on Black Background

You are Awesome !!

Gradient Power

  • Monochromatic Gradient

  • Triadic Gradient

  • Analogous Gradient

  • Related Color Gradient

#FAA096 Color CSS Codes

You are Awesome !!

Text Color Example

<p style="color:#faa096">Text here</p>
You are Awesome !!

Background Color Example

<p style="background:#faa096">Text here</p>
You are Awesome !!

Border Color Example

<p style="border:2px solid #faa096">You are Awesome</p>
You are Awesome !!

Box & Text Shadow Color Example

<p style="text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #faa096;
box-shadow: 1px 1px 4px #faa096">You are Awesome</p>